Grimsby/Cleethorpes Sunday League Football

Full Version: Medical question - prostate diagnosis -?
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My brother just told me he has to go in on the 18th for a biopsy on his prostate. He had not told me about it before but he had mentioned his PSA test he had done not long ago was "good" and it had a very low score. I didn't think anything more of it. Now I'm realizing he must have went for the PSA test due to something not being right (he is 43 yrs old), I assume either problems with functions or swollen prostate gland most likely. He went and had a manual check of the prostate at the doctors recently and it sounds like the doctor determined by shape or swelling or whatever that he should have a precautionary biopsy done soon. My question is just - Is this "normal" procedure that doctors follow on prostate problems in men? I have no knowledge or experience in this, and frankly this is a first for my brother too, so I thought I'd ask some medical professionals on here for their opinions, or men who have gone through this already. Thanks for your information.


Problemas prostáticos benignos o malignosÂ